Grade 3T

Makanaka Murove for working diligently.

Gabriella Mpala for immaculate presentation of work.

Elizabeth Acoot for an impressive work ethic.

Tanatswa Marime for swimming a length for the first time.

Grade 6T

Viwe Mkwananzi for a mature attitude towards her school work.

Sibongile Mlalazi for good contributions in class discussions.

Sasha Nyamhunga for sharing his good ideas.

Grade 6R

Timude Dzwairo for neat work.

Tamsin Rowe for improved handwriting.

Logan Lumsden for interesting contributions in Agriculture and Science discussions.

Grade 6K

Deborah Gwanyanya for good agriculture work.

Bahle Nyathi for a well-written letter.

Grade 7R

Tinotenda Marime for always working hard.

Callum Docherty for excellent answers in Science.

Luke Rosenfels for always completing his work.

Grade 7N

Thomas Anders for working hard and achieving excellent results.

Kathryn Rundle for hard work and determination.

Grade 7DC

Samuel Matabeya for answering questions carefully and knowledgeably.

Jessica Lubbe and Jodie-Lee Swain for pleasing mathematics test paper results.

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