Grade 1K

Mitchell Leesmay for neat work.

Talia Tambeyi for good effort in all subjects.

Philip Hlatini for being friendly and helpful.

Chloe Pinto Da Cunha for being organised.

Grade 1L

Jake Engelbrecht, Jamela Madonko and Chelsea Sithole for good reading.

Tapiwa Chirochierwa for improved handwriting.

Grade 1T

Silas Mutota, Matipa Mhute and Aidan Dube for always giving of their best.

Grade 2D

Dhilan Dulabh, Ethan Moyo and Amani Shumba for good effort this week.

Grade 2T

Kyle Moyo for good effort in number work.

Leon Karombe for good manners.

Matthew Anders for trying hard in all subjects.

Grade 2W

Jake Ancell for good comprehension answers.

Isabella Mari for improved reading.

Cali Painting for paying attention during recorders.

Sicebisiwe Nkala for being kind and gentle.

Grade 3E

Tadiwanashe Matapura for trying to be more organised with her homework.

Ashton Stanley for faster and neater work.

Grade 3S

McAlister Hanyire for good creative writing.

Hershel Herry for much neater handwriting.

Tebelelo Ngwenya for careful mathematics this week.

Riya Bhika for neat work in her books.

Grade 3T

Nathan Dube for beautiful presentation of work.

Kevin Matunhire for improved behaviour.

Grade 4K

Mbalenhle Jared for excellent spelling test results.

Caleb Crawford for excellent mental results.

Grade 4G

Michael Mhute for thoughtful homework.

Grade 5S

Brendan Style for a great improvement in his handwriting.

Grade 5M

Bahle Nyathi for excellent work in Religious Education.

Amalsha Ncube for effort in mathematics.

Grade 6H

Neo Tswarayi, Daniel Stephens, Jayden Shoniwa and Takunda Tavengwa for fantastic running representing Whitestone in cross country.

Grade 6T

Daniel Nel for a positive attitude towards test week.

Princess Chida for a consistent effort in all her work.


Lonwabo Nkomo and Sinokubonga Moyo for outstanding Ndebele test results.

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